Monday, 1 December 2014

Why a Social Media Audit is Crucial to Your Success

Put simply, a social media audit is an MOT for your social media profiles and overall online presence. Taking a closer look at your current social media profiles and assessing which ones are working best for you, whether to add a new profile to your portfolio or if you’re achieving the aims and objectives of your social media/wider marketing strategy is an excellent habit to maintain.

A social media MOT or audit should be done every few months (if not more frequently) to ensure all profiles are on-brand and reaching their full potential. Simple things like rewording your Twitter bio or deleting old photo albums from your business Facebook profile instantly refreshes your profile and online presence. Potential customers who visit your social media profile for the first time don’t want to spend time browsing products in photo albums on Facebook only to discover these are from last year and no longer available.

Nor do they wish to engage with a brand whose online presence is limited to two tweets a month. Boosting your appeal to new visitors and giving loyal followers something to read or aspire to is just one way your business can gain a competitive edge using social media.

Taking an invested interest in who you follow and who follows you is another important part of a social media audit. Do members of the local press follow your business? Perhaps you can utilise these online connections to create organic PR connections. Are you following local hashtag hours on Twitter for example? If not, conducting research into effective, relevant networking hours (such as #weddinghour or #ukbizhour) could be the catalyst to increasing your online presence and number of followers.

Don’t forget blogs are part of your social media presence too. A simple social media audit of your blog will help you plan an effective strategy that achieves your goals of generating more views and/or comments per post, increasing the number of shares and ultimately traffic to your website. Take the time to record how previous posts have been received. Views, bounce rates and shares are all valuable indications of how well-read and widely your blog post has been shared. Often, social media audits involve a shift in perspective from the business owner or social media team. Thinking about your reader and their needs rather than the message you want to get across is essentially what a social media audit aims to achieve.

Conducting a social media audit is crucial to your social success because it demonstrates to customers (old and new) that you take pride in how your business is perceived online, but also portrays the business’ commitment to embracing digital media. Social media is not a phenomenon, but an important, invaluable and essential part of a business’ digital marketing strategy that gives even the smallest start-ups an opportunity to grow their business and compete with big brands for free.


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